Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is a set of rules and conditions that determine how the system, network, or website may be used.

This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) constitutes a part of the VPS Terms of Service. When a user signs up for a VPS account, he/she explicitly agrees with our Acceptable Use Policy. A violation of the AUP is considered to be a violation of the Terms of Service.

The company shall be the final party to decide whether a specific act constitutes the violation of the AUP. The company reserves a right to terminate the service provision or take any other measures as deemed necessary.

In order to protect our company`s reputation and safety, and to guarantee a reliable provision of VPS hosting services to our clients, the company states that the following conditions come into force when a user signs up for a VPS account.


Any VPS user who violates the system or the network security is a subject of immediate account termination and to criminal or civil liability.


Spamming is strictly prohibited. Users are not permitted to use our VPS hosting services to distribute, transmit, deliver any unsolicited messages over the internet.


Content includes emails, website content, posts in forums and blogs, chat, any other type of content hosted, published, or transmitted via our services.

The following content types are prohibited:

Defamatory, abusive, obscene, violates the person`s privacy, reputation, anti-religious, anti-human, contains any type of threatening or hate speech, harassment encouragement, or otherwise malicious or fraudulent content of any time.


Copyrighted material is not allowed to be posted on websites or other resources that use our VPS hosting service. If a claim for copyright infringement is received, the company performs a full investigation and will remove all the infringing content from the service. Further procedures might be carried out if needed.


The company reserves the right to be the sole arbiter if it is required to determine whether an infringement took place and the level of its seriousness. Corrective actions are taken solely by the company and may include but are not limited to the account termination, the removal of all the content, and similar.